Words from the President

In our company’s ten years, FCT Assembly has become very well established. FCT Assembly consists of four divisions: FCT Solder, Fine Line Stencil, A-Laser, and FCT Recovery. We have many facilities across the nation and are in the process of expanding even more. We are continuously studying new products and processes in order to uphold our reputation as a leader in technology. FCT’s customers can always count on the company to use the latest technology and to supply products with the highest quality. One of our missions is to offer solutions through our products and people. We have vast expertise in the printing process and can generate a solution to any issue a customer may be facing.

We are a licensee of Nihon Superior SN100C alloy and were the first in North America to receive this license. We manufacture several other leading products as well, including leaded and lead-free solder paste, wire solder, bar solder, flux, laser cut SMT Stencils and high precision custom laser cutting services. We seek high quality chemistries and that is why we are leaders in our market today.

mikeMike Scimeca, President and CEO, founded FCT Assembly in April 2004. He attended Purdue University (1981-1984) and the University of Florida (1985-1986). In the past Mike was the president at Florida Cirtech, but passed that role onto his brother, Tom, when he founded FCT Assembly.

Mike Scimeca believes that we need to “constantly push ourselves to reach the next level.” To be ahead of our competitors you have to push ahead of them. That is why FCT Assembly is constantly on the move when it comes to new ideas and changes. Over the past 10 years the company has accomplished more than imagined and it only will continue going up from here.

Your President,
mike sig


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